Meeting of scientists and experts from Bulgaria, Europe, Colombia, Morocco and Trinidad

The International Conference "Challenges in Higher Education and Research in XXI Century" (CHER21) met with scholars and experts from Bulgaria, Europe, Colombia, Morocco and Trinidad.

The conference was traditionally held at the Lazur house on the Technical University of Sofia in Sozopol on the warm days of 29 May to 1 June 2018.

Prof.Dr. Ivan Kralov, Deputy Rector, Scientific and Applied Activities of the Technical University of Sofia, opened the scientific meeting with the positive words that this conference is unique in that it collects traditionally a wide range of scientists and experts from different generations to discuss projects and ideas in different areas of human knowledge. Another positive feature of the conference is the participation of many young scientists from Bulgaria and other regions of the world.

The ASPires project of the National Cluster for Intelligent Transport and Energy Systems was also presented at the conference.

The ASPires Project was presented with a report "Conceptual Model of a Stationary Surveillance System for the early warning of Forest Fires - ASPires-GEO", presented by Associate Professor Dr. Radoslav Deliyski, lecturer at the English Language Faculty of Engineering of the Technical University.

The report received special attention during the plenary session.
The text of the report is to be published in a conference paper from the scientific forum.