Securing SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 — Course SLE341

Securing SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 — Course SLE341

Attendees will be introduced to the basic computer security concepts and will learn how to develop a security policy and implement a more secure SUSE environment. A variety of approaches regarding system security from physical, local and network security will be reviewed. MAC and DAC access control methods and some of its supporting tools are also included in the course objectives. Auditing as a valid method to monitor security measures is also covered. Lastly, a description of the security process at SUSE and its publicly available resources will give the attendees a better way to support their day to day SUSE Linux Enterprise Server administration and operation in a consistent and secure fashion.

During this course you will learn:

Understand Security Concepts and Cryptography Basics

Understand SUSE Security Resources and SLES 12 Security Certifications

Secure the Boot Process

Understand the YaST Security Module

Understand Configurable Kernel Security Settings

Understand the Importance of Patches and Updates

Filesystem Security

Secure Local User Accounts and Restricting Access to the Root Account

Understand Systemd Session Management and Resource Control

PAM Modules

Delegate Administrative Privilege (sudo, polkit)

Understand Network Packet Filtering, TCP Wrappers and Xinetd

Restrict Network Access with Systemd

Understand and Configure Virtual Private Networks

Use Security Audit Tools: SUSE Seccheck, AIDE, Linux Audit Framework, Centralized Logging

Understand the Linux Security Modules Framework ( LSM )

Understand How AppArmor and SELinux Compare