Мрежови технологии за цялостно управление на IP мрежи

Networking Technologies for IP Network Management
IPAM-DNS-DHCP-NTP-TFTP network services

In respond to the needs from:

  • Secure and reliable network architectures - a working and manageable VLAN;
  • Complete network infrastructure management - IP addresses, DNS and DHCP;
  • Good practices for management of the own communication networks and All the connected devices in them;
  • Centralized management and reliable control of the entire corporate network!

Powerful system resource
Designed to deliver stability and reliability in the operation of IPAM-DNS-DHCP-NTP-TFTP services and infrastructures in large and very large networking systems built with scalable virtual or hardware devices.

Robust and reliable software resource for large DNS-DHCP-IPAM projects.
To build Datacenter, Internet DNS, LAN infrastructure, cloud computing, and for any organization facing the challenges of the dynamically evolving IT infrastructure: IPv6, BYOD, DNS security, virtualization, and so on.

Complete IP address management on your network
An intelligent network management tool that identifies and recognizes all networked devices - tracks IP and MAC addresses and links between networked devices. Provides full network visibility - resource location and usage, providing unmatched control for organization and optimal management.

Manage DNS and DHCP services
Innovative and solution that drastically optimizes the design and administration of the most critical network services.