GroupWise 2014 Administration (3140)
В този курс ще усвоите основните знания, необходими за администриране на GroupWise 2014. Създаване на система GroupWise, инсталиране на клиент GroupWise, инсталиране на интернет агент GroupWise (GWIA), инсталиране на WebAccess и сървъра на GroupWise Calendar Server.
Продължителност на курса и цена на студент:
Topics covered in this course include the following:
Section 1: Install and Create a GroupWise System
Section 2: Install and Explore the GroupWise 2014 Client
Section 3: Connect Directory Associations
Section 4: Perform GroupWise Administration Tasks
Section 5: Configure Maintenance
Section 6: Install and Configure the GroupWise Internet Agent
Section 7: Install, Configure and Test the GroupWise Calendar Server
Section 8: Expand a GroupWise System
Section 9: Install GroupWise 2014 WebAccess
Section 10: Install and Configure the Calendar Publishing Host
Section 11: Install and Configure GroupWise Monitor
Section 12: Upgrade to GroupWise 2014
Section 13: GroupWise Mobility Service
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